Location: Village Pirkoat. Union Council: Sarrari ,Tehsil Hajira District Poonch Azad Kashmir
Distance: Village Pirkoat to Hajira : 20 Km Pirkoat to Rawlakot City: 30 KM
Hajira to Islamabad: 150 Km
The rural areas of Kashmir have extremely poor health and hygiene conditions and are deprived of basic health facilities. In particular; the far flung and mountaineous areas of AJK have very bad health conditions as there is only 1 doctor for a population of 5,405.
Keeping in view the vast gap in primary health sector in the area, KRDF came forward to contribute towards bridging this gap. KRDF felt that majority of the population is in need of basic health care, mother and child care and capacity building to self-sustaining health programs in the area.
Village Pirkaot is 20 Km away from Hajira and 30 Kilometers is from the Rawlakot City. The population of this village is 75000. There is no medical facility is in this village. Neither the Government nor any NGO has provided a Dispensary or first aid centre. The people have to face lot of difficulties to get treatment and medicines. The have go to City Hajira or Rawlakot for any medical requirements. Around 50,000 people can be benefited from this health center.
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