Assalam –O- Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,
With the gracious name of Allah Subhana Taala, hope this letter finds you well. The blessed month of Ramadhan is with us again this year. May Allah (SWT) give us guidance to appreciate and accept our fasting and prayers. Every Ramadhan we make our collection appeal to you to help us in running our following projects, benefiting the most deprived people in remote areas of Kashmir.
- 7 Schools in full operation for children.
- 15 Fresh Water Supply Schemes (Fresh Drinking Water)
- 12 Mobile Vocational Training Centers for women.
- Two current schools being re-built / extended due to high demand.
We urgently need funds for reconstruction of two schools to accommodate more children as demand is very high
KRDF entirely depends on your kind donations to continue with all our projects. We look forward to your input and your continuous support to Krdf. For more information please visit our website.
Donations in the form of Cheque / Cash can be made into KRDF bank account.
The Co-Operative Bank
Sort Code: 08-92-99
A/C No: 65375110
Or Pay online here www.krdf.net
If you want to donate via Justgiving please visit “Kashmir Ramadhan Appeal 2023” . Donate NOW
Appreciate your continued support
Malik Latif (President, KRDF)
Mahmood Hussain (Trustee, KRDF)